I started this store because I am passionate about belly dancing and yoga, and I wanted to share my passion and encourage others along their journey with fun finds. Our store features a curated selection of high-quality products designed to enhance your belly dancing and yoga experience and bring a smile to your face as your passion grows!

I am a woman in my mid-40s, and it is a challenging life-phase, watching our parents decline and feeling their age so acutely. I lost my father to the toxic cocktail of type 2 diabetes and congestive heart failure. My mother struggles to move, as osteoarthritis struck her early, and she had to have both of her knees replaced in her 50s. She's now almost 80 and just walking to her mailbox is out of reach. 

I don't know if belly dance is the proverbial fountain of youth, but I look around at my peers in my classes and on stage, and I believe, that as a group, we're holding up pretty darn well.  I attribute it to the fact that we actually enjoy and love our favorite form of cardio. Finding movement we can do joyfully as we age, I believe, is the key to aging gracefully. 

My yoga practice is not quite as regular as my belly dance practice, but I also have found profound value in this practice. Really getting into our bodies, balancing, being able to touch our toes as we hit 50, 60, and beyond adds so much to our middle and senior years. 


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