I started belly dancing in January 2013. It was the new year, and as part of my resolve for self-improvement, I decided to take belly dance lessons. I had tried a few DVDs at home. Does anyone remember the beautiful Belly Twins Neena and Veena? They were my introduction to the art, and it was their videos that inspired me to seek in-person classes, because for the first time in my life, exercise was FUN!

What I thought would be strictly an exercise class grew into a hobby with occasional performances, and then as the years went by and my confidence as a dancer grew, I became part of the performance troupe at my dance school, and the world opened up in new ways. Living in a city rich with Levantine heritage, I got to observe and participate in beautiful cultural events first-hand. Eventually, I helped teach some classes. I started an informal dance troupe that still meets weekly. Love and growth with every step!

I was barely a dancer in my childhood. Repeated illnesses kept me out of regular dance classes in my early years, so I didn't stick with it. I left it on the table to pick back up in my 30s, and the rest is history! It really is never too late to find the movement that brings you joy. 

And as for the store, I wish I had had a resource like this one when I was starting out. I have a lot of regrets in my dance closet, and I have taken a lot of care to test these products and find reliable suppliers so that I can offer a wide selection of basics and help others avoid my same missteps. 


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